Après avoir sorti en 2018 son premier single « Grace », RIMON, née en Érythrée et élevée à Amsterdam, s’est rapidement imposée comme l’une des voix les plus prometteuses du RnB. Dans ses deux premiers singles comme dans son premier EP BBYGIRL FOCU$, elle émet un message d’autonomie, à la fois la sienne, mais aussi celle des femmes du monde entier.

Pour RIMON, ses visuels sont tout aussi importants que sa musique. Les processus sont entremêlés – tout en écrivant des chansons, l’intrigue et les visuels des clips sont venus naturellement à elle. Son talent pour l’image a d’ailleurs été mis en évidence par son court-métrage de 2020 « What They Called Me ».

Son EP Digital Tears (2021) est le premier projet qui n’est pas écrit à partir d’émotions ou d’expériences, mais qui se concentre plutôt sur l’un des plus grands dilemmes sociétaux de notre génération, celui de la vie digitale.


After debuting with a bang in 2018 with ‘Grace’, Eritrean-born,
Amsterdam-raised RIMON quickly established herself as one of the
more promising voices in RnB out there. In both her first singles as
well as her debut EP she voices a message of empowerment; both to herself, but also to women worldwide.

After dropping out of school at the age of 17 to travel and create music with composer Samuel Kareem, she and collective ALLE$ started releasing her music independently. Hailing from Amsterdam, RIMON quickly made name abroad – amassing millions of streams, performing throughout Europe and Asia and being covered by i-D, BBC, Pitchfork, Vogue, Complex – as well as amassing millions of views on her debut COLORS session.

To RIMON, her visuals are just as important as her music. The
processes are intertwined – whilst writing songs, the storyline and
visuals of the music video’s come naturally to RIMON. From the
start, she’s been heavily involved in the concerting and creative
direction of her video’s – highlighted by her 2020 short film ‘What They Called Me’.

After releasing her sophomore EP ‘I shine, U shine’ in 2020, with stand-out tracks like ‘Got My Back’ featuring Denzel Curry, RIMON took the rest of the pandemic to focus on her most conceptual work till date. ‘Digital Tears’ is the first project not written from emotion or experience, but instead focusses on one of the biggest societal dilemma’s of our generation.