Place à l’introspection avec Gundelach, ex-Dj reconverti dont le songwriting et l’électro-pop minimale le rapprochent d’un James Blake venu du froid. Accompagné d’un groupe en live, le Norvégien déroule ses boucles éthérées avec mélancolie. On se surprend parfois à danser lorsque les beats s’emballent, et à rêver de road-trip nocturnes dans les paysages enneigés du Nord du pays. À la lumière d’une aurore boréale, bien sûr. @Les Inrocks


Kai Gundelach released his self-titled debut EP in May 2017 and went from playing Jaeger to selling out Rockefeller. Building on international critical acclaim and the success of tracks like “Spiders” and “Alone in the Night” Gundelach has quickly become one of Norway’s most promising pop artists and an underground favorite. Despite his understated stage presence and a very mellow persona, the producer/songwriter captivates audiences with his pristine falsetto and masterful guitar work in a live set that captures the intimacy of the EP while elevating its bigger moments. As a pop-artist Gundelach is like no other in Norway.