Né en Angleterre, Bartees Strange a grandi à Mustang (Oklahoma) entre chœurs d’église, musique country et groupes hardcore avant de former ses propres projets hardcore. Mais quitter Mustang, c’était aussi apprendre à vivre avec.

Sur son album « Live Forever » (2020), Strange n’a pas exorcisé ce passé, mais a plutôt de le comprendre. C’est un processus inachevé (« J’ai encore du mal à me faire suffisamment confiance pour m’en sortir », dit-il), mais avec ce disque, il a cimenté sa place de musicien visionnaire, de conteur vital et d’artiste qui refuse de mettre en sourdine son expérience vécue.


Born in England, Bartees Strange was raised in Mustang between church choirs, country music and hardcore bands before forming his own hardcore projects. But leaving Mustang was about learning to live with it, too.

On his album ​ »Live Forever​ » (2020), Strange hasn’t exorcised this past, but rather has come to an understanding with it. It is an unfinished process (“I’m still grappling with trusting myself enough to keep it together,” he says), but with this record, he has cemented his place as a visionary musician, a vital storyteller, and an artist who refuses to mute his lived experience.