Makeness peut être assimilé aux vastes vallées écossaises où le producteur et parolier Kyle Molleson s’est installé après avoir vécu à différents endroits pendant son enfance, d’Édimbourg au Sud-Ouest de l’Angleterre en passant par les Hébrides extérieures. Ce n’est qu’après, avec son intérêt pour la musique et la technologie, qu’il intègre l’université de Leeds en électronique.

C’est alors qu’il commence à dessiner les contours de son projet musical, entre Afrobeat, New Wave, Folk Music et Techno de Détroit. Le premier EP ‘14 Drops‘ de Makeness contient 4 morceaux principalement instrumentaux,  même si on y retrouve de la voix par moment. Il vient de sortir un nouveau single ‘Day Old Death’ !


Makeness can be mapped to the vast, open hills of Scotland, and a desolate ridge of the same name where producer and songwriter Kyle Molleson arrived after a less-trodden path. His childhood was spent moving between Edinburgh, The Outer Hebrides and South West England, before an interest in music and technology in part led to a degree in Electronics at Leeds University.

Here, playing bass in Glad Hand led to numerous trips north of the border to work on albums in the hillside studio he helped build.Drawing on a passion for Afrobeat, New Wave, Folk Music and Detroit Techno –from a unique vantage point in the Scottish wilderness -Makeness’ debut EP contains four largely-instrumental songs, but all still vocal in their movement, openness and depth. Atmospheric and insular opener ‘Rogue’ introduces a debut EP themed around the idea “of having two realities, and not being able to distinguish which one is real life.” It’s a selection caught between places and states, with the rhythmic, increasingly-urgent ‘Laca’ and ‘Langa’ finished following a move to London, and starkly contrasting with the wide open spaces of Makeness’ roots.